
Open your site’s header.liquid file (should be located in the sections folderOn around line 500 you will see a liquid tag referring to sticky headers, after this line copy the following code (it’s a simple script that adds hover eventListeners to all menu items that create dropdowns)

By default dawn doesn’t have a single cart section only main-cart-items.liquid and main-footer.liquid.To use a cart template add sections/main-cart.liquid and merge the contents from main-cart-items.liquid and main-footer.liquid they is a raw merge with a small wrapping div chnages, the below code is from Dawn Versio 6.0.2 After the fiels have been merge you will need […]

How to Use Math Filters with Liquid

6 If you have $order object then you can easily get the order comment history by,If you don’t have $order object then you can use like this,EDIT If you need order comment then please try this,At the end, you have all order comments in $orderComment

Lop the array with foreach, and check if the key exists – if it doesn’t set the value to the quantity, if it does, add it to the existing quantity. The key represents the product. We check if it’s set or not to avoid having the code produce warnings (as you can see this demo […]

Clear / Update cookie

Install: catalog_url_rewrites; In your BackEnd, go to : > System > Configuration > Developer If you can’t see the extension, purge the Magento Cache and sessions, log out and log in to your Back End. Select YES on the field Enable Optimisation If you don’t need to generate URLs for disabled products or not visible […]

composer self-update –stable

Assume FTP deployed code on production is “master”Update .gitignore – legacy deployed site don’t tend to have them, don’t want to add logs/media etc into the repo.git initgit remote set-url origin <remote_url>Create or update .gitignoregit add .gitignoregit commit -m”add .gitignore”git add .git commit -m”convert live site too git, force all files into repo”git push -f […]

The issue relates to Plesk When using Plesk, in the php-Settings of the domain -> additional config It looks very similar, like: include_path = “.:/var/www/vhosts/pathtoyourwebrootdirectory/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library”

The issue is possibly caused when Import/Export DataBase Views was not created in Magento 2.3. So create Views and inventory_stock_1 table in the Database.Source:

User-agent: * Disallow: /*? Disallow: /index.php/ Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/ Disallow: /catalog/category/view/ Disallow: /catalog/product/view/ Disallow: /wishlist/ Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /catalogsearch/ Disallow: /checkout/ Disallow: /onestepcheckout/ Disallow: /customer/ Disallow: /review/product/ Disallow: /sendfriend/ Disallow: /enable-cookies/ Disallow: /LICENSE.txt Disallow: /LICENSE.html Disallow: /skin/ Disallow: /js/ Disallow: /directory/Lets consider each groups of commands separately.Stop crawling user account and checkout pages by search engine […]

Remus Uomo provides design-led, formal tailoring and off-duty casuals to men who take a serious attitude towards fashion.

Tilemarket & Bathrooms is one of the leading tile suppliers in Northren Ireland.

All the blocks in the layout are huge objects that have references to other huge objects and at one point you get a circular reference an var_dump crashes. If you want to get the names of the available blocks do this:then if you find the key you need you can just print it out like […]

Method 1:In the Magento Admin. Go to System > Tools > Cache Management and click Flush Static Files Cache.If having issues setting permishsion or Method 2:If you just changed the CSS file which already exists, what you need to do is just delete the corresponding file in pub/static, then when you refresh the page, it […]

Update Nothing – will just rewrite the lock and autoloaders, but otherwise will keep everything that’s installed as-is.

How to set equal product height on the product grid view.You must select every element which will be used in the calculation of the grid, the elements do not need to be siblings of each other, therefore both of the following are valid:Source:

git fetch origin mastergit reset –hard origin/master

rm -rf pub/static/; rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/; php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

bin/magento maintenance:enable && php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f en_US en_GB && php bin/magento cache:clean && php bin/magento cache:flush && bin/magento maintenance:disable